Saturday, October 17, 2009


When I was an undergrad, I remember standing by a window next to a desk with one of my classmates, working on a problem set in electronics or something like that. I remember that I saw this idea of everything being broken down into ones or zeros and that this was now a foundation for much of technology. I said to my classmate that I wondered if there were something beyond that, or more basic, whereby we would view things as being broken down into three things. I was thinking about this in mathematical conceptual terms. I was forcing myself to see this possibility and trying to force a new understanding on myself and be the first person to think this way. I remember my coworker being somewhat enthusiastic about what I had to say, but the idea didn't really go anywhere that I know of.

And here I am now, developing a way of looking at the world, life, the universe, reality, existence, everything, such that there are exactly three aspects to all things and everything. It seems forced and contrived. I am doing it mostly for myself because I keep coming back to it in my thoughts. I have expressed it to a few others, but received no overwhelming feedback. Nothing is coming of it. I am writing about it because I have run out of ideas about what to do with it.

I realize immediately that the idea of there being three aspects to all things has something in common with the trinity in Christianity. I don't see that my ideas have much in common with the Christian notion or doctrine. I have also discovered that I am not the only one to consider three of something as foundational.

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